Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Norwegian Van Update


 I just looked at your post on Vandoleros from Sunday, November 28, 2010 about the custom painted Dodge van.
The pictures are from a old Norwegian car magazine, that still are going strong. www.amcar.no.
The Van still looks like in the pictures, it`s been in my area sins the early 80`s. 
It was customized in Canada in 1976, by Ivan Benic, www.ivanbenic.com
He painted the van on a car show in front of the public.
Maybe I can find som more original photos of this and other old cuztom vans here in Norway.
I finally got myself a Old School Short van earlyer this year also. 1975 Chevy.
Found som pictures I took in 05/06.

Stian Julieboe

PS. Love your work, Great Stuff!!!

Thanks Stian, Very much appreciated!!! Look for a post soon about Ivan Benic's van murals!

Monster Squad!

Do you remember the TV show monster squad from 1976. College kid works at a wax museum in the monster section and has a machine to bring them to life at night and they fight crime. Kind of Kroft style of show. Anyway as stupid as it was I loved that show. They drove a black chevy van with flashing light on the roof. tomb stones on the sides, sword and old lanterns.   They only made one toy buy Ideal. It was a small friction car just a little bigger than a Hot Wheels. I have had this thing since 1976. One of the few things my mom didn't toss out. Anyway just curious if you remember it or not. I have never found any pictures of the real van. Wonder what ever happened to it. 
Take Care, Scott

Here is a link to the trailer for the show with a split second of a really cool van in it.


Rad Chevy!

Man, I wish I could remember what blog I ripped this pic from. Let me know if this is your van or where the pic came from and I'll update w/ a new post. 
I LOVE THIS CHEVY! Where is it from?

Friday, December 24, 2010


My buddy Josh over at Utility sent me this just before the baby came and I was supposed to post it then. Should be pretty cool if you're going to be in the area. It's in Upland.

Vandoclaus say...

"On, Donner! On, Blitzen! On, Chewy! On, Tavo! C'mon, Becto!"

Oh, well, man, he had some magic dust, man.
Some magic dust?
Yeah, magic dust, y'know? He used ta give a little bit to da reindeer, a little bit to Santa Claus, a little bit more for Santa Claus, a little bit more...
And this would get the reindeer off, man?
Aw, got 'em off, man?!? Are you kidding, man? They flew all da way around da world, man!
Hey, that's far out, man! Hey, I come I never met this dude, man?
Oh, man, he doesn't do that bit anymore, man. It got too dangerous, man.
Yeah, I can dig that, man, 'cause that's a dangerous bit, man!
Yeah, lemme tell ya, it sure was, man. Like just two years ago, man, he got stopped at the border, y'know, and they took him into another room and took off his clothes, man, and searched him and searched his bag of goodies, man...and then, when he was leaving, man, he was flying through the air and somebody took a chot and his reindeer, y'know.
Aw, that's a drag, man.
Yeah, it really was, man. And then, man, he went down south, man, and they tried to cut of his hair and his beard, man. And all the time, he was getting stopped and pulled over and asked for his ID, man....just everywhere he went, he ran into too much recession, man.
No, man, you mean he ran into too much REPRESSION, man.
Aw, "repression"..."recession", man...it's all da same thing, man.
Yeah, man. But, it's a drag, man, 'cause we could sure use a dude like that right now.
Oh, he still comes around, man.
Oh, yeah?
Yeah, but he comes in disguises now...
Aw, he went "underground", man.
Yeah, "underground", man.
I can dig it.
Yeah. But you ought to see his disguise, man; nobody would ever know it was him, man.
Oh, yeah?
Yeah. He's gotta job in front of da department store, ringing this bell and playing this tambourine next to this black pot, y'know?
YEAH! You know who I'm talking about, man!
Yeah, man! I played with that cat last year, man!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Don't miss the next one

What a great time this I had this weekend at the van swap, ya it rained but was good times. Craig was already there and got some cool new captains chairs for his van, score cause now I get his old ones. As for me I got a stack of chopper mags a cool US vintage horn cap and of course a CaPtAiNs HeLm shirt.

If you got a van don't miss the next one, lots of cool stuff and people to hang out with.

Got to see Chase's new BaDaSs pipes and rims. Oh and see some guys aren't scared of the rain they just bring a tarp.

Went to eat after.

And it was pizza, you could see Craigs vans in the glass

Here's some of the goody's I got, I'll post the cap when I put it on.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Los Unidos

Found this bad boy album on ebay.

King of the Road

I'm kinda suprised we haven't posted this already?

Friday, December 17, 2010

New Member!

Our CUTEST member yet!

Well, I had to miss Mooneyes and the David Mann show but had a very good reason!

Quinn Estella Cruz was finally born 10 days late on 12/11/10 at 4:41. She's a tiny thing for being late; 5lb 12oz.
Things are still super hectic around here and we're exhausted. I'll be back posting asap.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Van Swap This Saturday RAIN OR SHINE

Those Van Creeps are doing it again. Don't miss out, went to the last one lots of cool stuff for sale. Oh and if you got some cool captains chairs hopefully for a mid and maybe even in brown take em' I need them.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Don't Junk Your Van... BURY IT!

Somewhere in the United States there lays a tomb of kings that once ruled the streets. I hope it is real, let the hunt begin!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Mooneyes 2011

What a great show, I had such a good time kinda forgot to take pictures. At least I got a couple. Had a great time, Craig Oscar Pat and I met and drove up there at about 5:30 where we met up with Nick and Bryce. Alot of people loved the vans didn't expect that much attention or beer:> Ran into Slim there and can't wait to see the pictures of his new van.

Thanks again guys

My New Mini Bar

Brother found this at the Long Beach Swap so I asked the guy "how much? $25!". I had to have this. I mounted it for the mOOn show.

Van wallet

A little pricey but very cool.

Buy it here.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Mooneyes 2011

Its here, a cool show for anyone into cars. its got pre '65 but Oscar Craig and I have all registered and we are over '70 so it doesnt matter. So far Craig Oscar Pat and I are going up together the Dice van and Bryce should be there already and gonna meet some Van Creeps there so if you got a van park next to us and grab a beer.

Vannin 24/7

I can't think of my life without my van now, what the hell did I do when I didn't have it? Here's just some random van stuff I did this week

Saturday: Went for a Burger and Beer with Craig On Sat. to talk about the moon show coming up and his future flares and side pipes

Saturday: I followed him so he followed me. A cool '68 crusing around Whittier

Saturday: Went to the VAN SHOW after, I mean ECOLOGY to go look for some captains chairs, no luck but some cool vans.

Sunday: Went to the LB cycle swap hung out with some van creeps and got to see there badass new vans.

Tuesday: Just being shady, oh and got some tacos with Oscar talked about getting his van polished.

Wednesday: woke up super early to take Oscars van to get polished, The poor 3 little mexicans worked from 8-4, but what a job looks brand new, ViVa La OsCar'

The Japanese can dig it!

Mooneyes Yokohama 2010. Some of my favorites from the show. Van's and 70's muscle are where it's at. Check out the japanese van model.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Been digging..

..around ebay and amazon etc for old Van books. I came up with a few I didn't have yet, most were only a couple o' dollars.
This is a gem, although it has only a few pages in kolor.

"Vanner's How-to guide to murals, painting and pinstriping."
It covers the very basics so the info is not of much use to me but there are a few vans in there I hadn't seen before. Like this fine example of murals inside panels:
We must do more paint schemes with pearl white, people!

And then there's this So-Cal-style specimen. The style is known for little or no body mods (only fender flares or front airdam), uncluttered paint schemes and of course the Van's name on the side panel.
And then "Masterpiece".
Original kolor scheme and a nice scoop on top!