Sunday, January 30, 2011

Council of Councils Van Show

These guy's have all been huge supporters of ours and of vanning in general since vanning started in the seventies. I went to this show a few years back and it was cool to meet vanners from who came out from all over the country. This is NOT a yearly event so don't miss it! Show your support and check out the van show on Sat. the 19th. Apparently, they are giving away a set of the boards I did for Utility board supply which came out great if I do say so myself. Maybe I'll win 'em heh heh heh!

Octopus's Garden

Hope to see this van at the C of C van show on the 19th.

Monday, January 24, 2011


The show was rad. Lots of vans and bikes. I was finally able to get my hands on the decks I did for Utility.
I'm really happy with them.
Wheels of Confusion dominated the area and had the most vans there. Saw my buddy John and was blown away by his primer Grey Econoline. MAN IS THIS VAN CLEAN!!! I hadn't seen it before and he's a big supporter of the blog and van community in general. A great dude with a killer van. Can't wait to see this gem finished. Makes my van look like a tin can.
Check out the rad little door jam thingy cabobs. I need a pair if anyone has a set please email me!

Church's Van

I met Chuch at the Moon show, he is a cool guy and was just finishing up his van. He did a great job it is one of the coolest vans and the attention to detail is great. I can't wait to see it in person at the Grand National Roadster Show this weekend.


Such great detail

amazing paint

Ponitiac tail lights


surrender you leader

insane doghouse

Honestly nicer then my home

Strong Buns

Friday, January 21, 2011


I'd like to wish Baja Charlie and his family all the best as his daughter just had surgery yesterday. Hope you're little one is feeling better and everything went well. I've been thinking about her since we talked yesterday. Our club wishes her a speedy recovery and a happy future! Hang in there buddy!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

this saturday!

Head on out, it's gonna be a cool event!

Monday, January 17, 2011

New Paint

My van is one step closer to completion. I am about 98% there now. My buddy Larry Fator helped me out putting these rad graphics on. It is a black faded endless line with red cob-webbing over top and red pinstripes top and bottom to finish it off. Sorry the pictures are so poor; I'll get some better ones in the near future.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Friday, January 14, 2011


Nothing on four wheels screams "hessian ride" like mid seventies muscle cars. Now all you need is your Judas Priest cassette and it's fucking on!

Shameless plug

"Keep on keepin' on" while helping support a brother.
ALL PRINTS $12 BUCKS IF YOU MENTION THIS BLOG! That's almost half off so buy twice as many. Shipping is paid by me if inside the U.S. Shirts are still $20.  Eternal Trip shirt is now in Black for sizes M, and L. Xl and XXL are still in Red till I sell out.