Friday, September 30, 2011

Black and White Cleaners' Van

So I found this out during unfortunate times but thought it was really bitchin' and had to share. I was recently at a wake for my uncle who just passed recently and the top photo was on a collage board that was displayed there. I never new this but my uncle's parents owned this cleaners in Southern California back in the 60s and 70s. My uncle used this as a delivery vehicle for the cleaners. The strangest thing is that it has redlines and dark centered mags similar to my van. I have never seen another van with redlines so I was astonished to see them on his, let alone the mag wheel combo. These pictures were probably taken in the late 60s (I had to enhance them with Photoshop).

Friday, September 23, 2011

More from Scott in P.A.

Scott scanned these a long time ago but I don't remember if I posted them or not. Either way, they are rad! (And large pics!)

Anyone have these issues to either trade or sell?

If you've got any doubles you want to trade or sell let me know.


This is how he chill in back of Nao's van. CYCLE SWAP THIS SUNDAY hope to see you all there. Bring some beer!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

5th National Truck-In:OklahomaCity AND SOME RANDOMS



Stull Industries Tube grill with rectangular lights (5/8" tubing in case someone wants to make it)

Duby's "Engine No 9"

Jr. Reynolds Cannonball Express

NOT A VAN BUT A DAMN COOL DATSUN. If I had a mini truck this would be it.

Show 'N' Shine in England

Peter Komp's Ford Transit (silver surfer)

'71 Bedford van

'70 Ford Escort

Peter Carter's bedford

Tom Reynolds '70 Escort van

NOT A VAN but HOT N BOTHERED! John Baldacchino's 1949 Fordson with a 3.5L V8


Victor Smith of Tri-City Trucks 75 Chevy

Miss Woodbourne her self

Weird ass monster in beer contest

Big bike up against the wall.Jack Vogel's 75 Chevy