We'll have a booth this year at Born Free along with myself, Dirty Donny and Rolling Heavy Magazine. Come by and spend some cash on posters, stickers and shirts. I'll have some framed original sketches for sale as well. I guess you could come by and say "hello", but we'll be so drunk we probably won't remember you.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Zombies latest vans,...retarded!
Who doesn't wish their dad was as cool as Zombie to draw each of his kids their dream van. My god they're amazing!
Vandoleros at Orion Fest Detroit
I can't even begin to tell all the stories of this weekend but let me just say it was retarded and many thanks to Donny for getting us the hook-ups through Metallica. High school prom crashing, back stage to all the bands, hanging with the Metallica crew, meeting Nikki Corvette, seeing Donny's Metallica pinball game being used by the attendees of the show, meeting the pinball wizard, seeing Fu-Manchu from backstage, seeing my parents in Chicago and having the best pizza in the universe (Aurellios).
Can't touch this.
Time to post more stuff man. We've all been so busy the blog has really been lagging. Thanks for checking in!
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
A couple random Shots
Just a few random shots, mostly from LB cycle swap.
This Chevy Love is a amazing truck, picture perfect with those Vega lights!
Monday, June 10, 2013
Jacob's Dodge
I took these picture's a while back when I called Ben and he told me he was helping Jacob clean up his new Dodge van. It is a super cool looking van, the slot mags are the perfect size, sits really nice and runs great.
Kidnapper Scotty's New Dodge
I finally got a chance to see Scotty's van, it was getting detailed by my work. It is a killer Dodge. I took these picture while it was still being washed so mind the rags.